Useful Links

NHS Website

For general health information, care of minor, or self limiting conditions (ie problems that will resolve themselves with time and advice/treatment from your local chemist), background on your conditions or your medication, you can go to the NHS website and search for your problem.

There are sections on

  • Health A-Z
  • NHS Charges
  • Healthy Living
  • Carers – support and health
  • Symptom Checker
  • Health News Headlines

Have a look- it might help you!

BBC Health News

Current health news, articles and features

Alternative & complimentary therapies

If you’re seeking an alternative to medical therapy or treatment, click on the following link that takes you through to a directory of alternative and complimentary therapists. Please note that the site is an independent directory and not associated with King Cross Practice or the NHS.

Alzheimers, Dementia & Memory Loss

For information on local services to support patients with Alzheimers or dementia go to and select Local Information.

You can also join Dementia Research, a recent initiative aimed at getting more people, with and without memory problems, involved in dementia research. To find out more about dementia research, go to

Barnardo’s – Support for LGBTQ Patients aged 12-25

Aged 12-18? Identity Youth Group offers a safe environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans young people and those questioning their identity or sexual orientation (LGBTQ) aged 12-18 in Calderdale to meet and make new friends. They aim to enable young people to build their confidence, self-esteem and resilience and to feel safe and supported. The Group meets every week on Wednesdays 5.30pm – 8pm in central Halifax and accept both self-referrals and referrals from other services.

Find out more by visiting and identitylgbt

Alternatively give them a call on 01422 371993 or email

Aged 18-25? Barnardo’s also support the Healthy Identities Project which offers an LGBTQ young adults group (aged 18-25yrs).

To find out more by visiting or give them a call on 01422 371993

You can also visit; @PIdentities on Twitter or email

Bereavement Support

For help and support during this difficult time, access  or

Better Living Service

Better Living Service is a locally run support service that you can self-refer into if you need support to stop smoking, lose weight or become more active. Visit their website at for more information.

Calderdale Local Offer

The following link provides helpful information about the Calderdale Local Offer. This is a one stop shop giving all the information you need about the services and support available for children and young people (from birth to age 25) with special education needs and/or disabilities and their families. See for more information. 

Cancer Treatment

A website designed to help patients make informed decisions about where to access cancer services is now available at


Advice for patients with diabetes can be found at

Diabetic Eye Screening from 1 April 2017:

Ramadan: For advice about managing your diabetes during Ramadan visit

Epilepsy Action

Epilepsy Action Helpline: Freephone 0808 800 5050 Monday to Thursday 08:30 – 20:00; Friday 08:30 – 16:30 & Saturday 10:00 – 16:00

Coffee & Chat? Halifax group meets on the 1st Thursday each month 15:00 – 16:30 Square Chapel CafĂ©, Halifax HX1 1QG

For more information call John 07525 051 668

Hayfever Advice

To know more about hayfever visit 

Health & Wellbeing

Click on link and take a simple, free 5 question quiz for your personalised plan of simple ideas to help improve your health and wellbeing.

Aged 13-19? Click here for more information about coping during the Coronavirus pandemic

Healthy Minds

Healthy Minds Support Groups are for anyone who experiences mental distress either call 01422 345154 or visit – Online Mental Health Support for Young People (11-25)

A new service is now available to all young people aged 11-25 that provides online counselling and support. It’s anonymous so there’s no need to tell them who you are. Contact direct – no need for a referral from the GP.


See Barnardo’s (above)

For support during the Coronavirus pandemic, please click here for information

Open Minds

Open Minds

A website that offers help with emotional health and wellbeing for young people, parents or carers.

Voluntary Action Calderdale (VAC) Organisation Directory

VAC have developed a directory for local organisations to promote the work they do in Calderdale. This directory is open to the members of the public and offers up to date information regarding services local organisations offer. To search visit