Online Services – a guide to Apps
As more and more NHS services are available online and via Apps, we thought it might be helpful to update our patients on the available Apps and online verifications systems required to access your personal data.
Apps can be really useful for requesting medication, accessing your medical information and seeing your Covid vaccination status.
There are a number of apps available to patients to ensure patient choice, these include SystmOne (the medical system used by King Cross Surgery) and the NHS App, alongside many others. The Practice has limited ability in supporting patients with the use of apps and they all should have a help and support function to assist users.

App setup
Depending which app you are using you will need to verify your identification in different ways.
SystmOne – Airmid App
Many of our patients already use the SystmOne or Airmid App to order prescriptions and access information. To register for this service you need a username and password generated from your medical record. We need to confirm your details in order to give you a password so please call or pop into the surgery to obtain this.
With different levels of verification, there are different levels of access within the NHS App. You may wish to use the NHS App to access your covid vaccine information or to order prescriptions and this requires a medium level of verification – confirmation of your NHS number, date of birth, name and postcode.
With a higher level of verification you must prove who you are in order to gain access to health records or personal information. To be verified to the highest level, you must have completed an online or offline identity verification process, where physical comparison between photo I.D. and the your person has been made.
There are two options to do this. Users can submit a photo of their I.D. and a short recording of their face, as prompted by the NHS App.
If you struggle to do this or it is not possible for you to complete the video verification, you can obtain registration details from the Surgery. You will be provided 3 registration details:
How NHS login works – NHS Digital
- Linkage Key (could be called a Passphrase)
- O.D.S. Code (The O.D.S. code for King Cross Practice is B84021)
- Account I.D.
Your linkage key and account I.D. are unique to your medical record, please speak to a Service Advisor to obtain these.
If you have issues with any apps, the Practice has limited ability to support problems. We advise that patients speak to the App support teams and we have included a couple of contact details below.